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In June 1999 we went to Upshur county, Texas and spent time meeting other Bauman descendants who still live there.  They showed us the old homestead, the cemeteries where Bauman’s are buried, introduced us to other relatives and we got to hear many of the family stories.  We all made rubbings of several of the headstones.  In this photo you can barely see that my daughter’s left arm is in a cast.  She broke her arm within an hour of the end of her first grade and wore 3 different casts during the summer.

1999-06 cemeteryGeorge Washington Bauman was born June 24, 1865 in Van Zandt, Texas, the eighth of his parents’ eleven children (his father had an additional ten children in his second marriage).  George married Lizzie Pamela Read in 1887 in Upshur county, Texas and they had twleve children.  Lizzie died in 1946 and George died August 7, 1961, at 96 years of age.

Here are a some tidbits that Ruth Tackitt, one of George’s granddaughters, shared with us during our visit:

When George was still a baby, the family went to a church revival. They took a quilt for the children to lay on. During the service George rolled off but no one noticed.  It wasn’t until the family was nearly home that they realized they didn’t have George so they went back and there he was.

George didn’t get his first pair of shoes until he started school.  One of his chores was to carry water from the spring.

When George was a boy the family needed corn meal and had to take some corn to the grist mill.  Albid, his father, loaded a horse with corn and put George on the horse with no saddle. Along the way to the grist mill George couldn’t keep the horse from eating. The horse ate so much that he eventually laid down and started rolling. Then some wild hogs were trying to eat the corn. George ran to the mill, told some men what had happened and they came to help. Then they ground the corn mill and George went back home.